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We recommend: Dallas Prop E for arts and cultural facilities

Proposition E in the 2024 Dallas bond program would allocate $75.2 million for arts and cultural facilities.
Dallas has come a long way in a short time in having great spaces for our artists. We have all benefited. A city that supports the arts is a city that is building a richer culture while deepening the enjoyment and understanding of life. Our arts facilities, like all other city properties, must be maintained, and this proposition is laser-focused on necessary expenditures for everything from HVAC to roofs to elevators for buildings that give back so much, from the Dallas Museum of Art to the Kalita Humphreys Theater and many more. Some buildings are in danger of falling into disrepair absent needed maintenance. This money provides that, and we enthusiastically support this proposition.
Check out the rest of our recommendations in the 2024 Dallas bond election here.
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